
Harmonic Medicine

Twenty years ago I left a busy Complementary Medical Practice in Tasmania and settled on the Mornington Peninsula. I rented a room in Mt Eliza and gradually my Practice thrived.

Over the years many patients asked me what I called my work. I would tell them “Monica’s Medicine” because it was unique. I have since renamed it “Harmonic Medicine” (HM), as it is Medicine that resonates with the patient. The cornerstone of HM is Nogier’s Pulse Test.

Paul Nogier was a French Neurologist and the Father of Auricular Medicine. In the early 1950’s, whilst probing the auricle of the ear, he noted a distinct change in the radial pulse. He originally called his discovery the Auricular Cardiac Reflex, however this was later changed to the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS), when he realised that it was a general vascular reflex. Detection of the VAS seems to be most perceptible by touch, and largely imperceptible to currently known instruments.

I began using the VAS in my Practice after I saw how my son’s health was completely turned around. Within a week of using the VAS to diagnose Josh’s food sensitivities, and changing his diet in accordance, I observed cessation of his constant nasal catarrh, miraculous clearing of the eczema present since the age of a few weeks, sudden normalisation of his bowel motions, and his recurrent middle ear infections became a “thing of the past”. He remained susceptible to asthma when he had a cold, but never needed prophylactic steroids.

I have incorporated the ideas from many different modalities into HM, and now use the VAS to diagnose and determine treatments. I have sought to unravel the mysteries underpinning chronic illness. Stress is the common theme. It may be from an underlying pathogen or toxicity, electromagnetic field sensitivity, geopathic stress, overwork, poor sleep patterns, an unhealthy home or workplace, or an unhappy relationship. There may be a metaphysical problem or negative thoughts may be slowly eroding wellness. The list goes on. Conditions like tiredness, headaches, fibromyalgia, IBS, chronic skin complaints, obesity and depression are all amenable to being successfully addressed, provided the patient is prepared to make the appropriate changes to their lives. I believe I can help in most cases, provided that the patient is prepared to make the appropriate changes in their lives.